Survival pocket card tool can be used for outdoor camping, fishing, hiking, and everyday use. It has 10 essential tools that fit right in your pocket, wallet, or purse. The survival card is a thin and lightweight multi-function tool. It is a must have survival tool and makes a perfect gift for just about anyone. Many women carry these around because of the versatility of this survival card. The serrated stainless steel blade is a useful cutting tool. This survival pocket card tool is so light and slim that you’ll barely know you have it, yet when needed you’ll find it’s amazingly useful.
The 10 tools include:
- 2-inch stainless blade that is razor sharp and serrated to cut through even the toughest materials with ease
- 3⁄8″ wrench on the blade
- can/bottle opener
- awl
- 8x magnifying lens
- compass
- tweezers and toothpick
- inch ruler
- centimeter ruler
- flat head screw driver
At just 1.5 ounces, it packs effortlessly for travel both on and off-road
Dimensions: 2 3⁄16″ x 3 7⁄16″
Estimated shipping times throughout North America:

Shipping Type: Standard Ground
Cost: Free
Estimated Delivery Time: Product will delivery in 4-6 business hours
SHIPPING POLICY: We try to ship the same day we receive the order if its placed by 4:00 pm Eastern time, Monday through Friday. Monday’s are our busiest day and orders placed over the weekend or Monday could be delayed until Tuesday.
SHIPPING INSURANCE POLICY: USPS automatically insures packages up to $50. UPS automatically insures packages up to $100. If you wish to add additional insurance or signature required, this is an option when you use our online order site. There will be additional charges from USPS and UPS for this.
DAMAGED PRODUCTS: We ask that you notify The Hatchery 4 U of any damaged products received. That way we can put in a claim with the shipper.
TRACKING INFORMATION: You will receive tracking information directly for UPS and USPS. Our shipping computers are linked directly to both USPS and UPS, making our system very efficient.
* Excludes all Mexico and International orders. Please see Contact Page for International shipping policies.
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