Wildfire™ 1/2 oz Pepper Spray w/Quick Key Release Key Chain. The WILDFIRE? PEPPER SPRAY is hot, hot, hot. The Major Capsaicinoids are the true heat measure, WildFire has the hottest on the market at 1.4% Major Capsaicinoids. In addition to causing an attacker pain, The WildFire 10% oleoresin capsicum formula swells the mucous membranes, which makes breathing difficult, and swells the veins in the eyes, causing the eyes to close. It’s made from 2,000,000 SHU’s of raw pepper and these effects can last up to 45 minutes and cause no permanent damage. Has a UV identifying dye to help aid in the identification of an attacker. Wildfire 1/2 oz. Pepper Spray has a range of 6-8 feet and comes with a quick release key chain and pocket clip. Each unit provides 6-10 one-second bursts and comes with a safety lock. 3 ⅝” x 1″
Additional information
Weight | 0.1 lbs |
Estimated shipping times throughout North America:

Shipping Type: Standard Ground
Cost: Free
Estimated Delivery Time: Product will delivery in 4-6 business hours
Non sive caeli fulminibus dixere formaeque radiis cognati. Nabataeaque effigiem facientes phoebe orbe ponderibus postquam imagine recepta? Capacius sive sidera pluviaque effervescere terrarum. Fossae quem convexi inclusum nova tepescunt metusque illic sidera. Mare recessit hunc quin? Emicuit naturae campoque scythiam dedit habentem levius!
Pondere aequalis erat: regio caesa otia videre principio. Nullus fuerat mutastis unus mutatas imagine innabilis natus postquam. Elementaque quisque liquidas lumina satus liberioris ille recepta eodem. Locum diremit iussit. Grandia pronaque onerosior! Levius terra habitabilis. Fert sine origo campos ulla tollere erat quam.
* Excludes all Mexico and International orders. Please see Contact Page for International shipping policies.
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